BH NS formation
The data presents to formtion of black holes (BH) and neutron stars (NS) in environments characterized by different metallicity. Total simulated stellar mass is 2.03e8 (203 million) solar masses.
Files are named in the following way: bh/ns_zZZZ.dat
bh/ns marks datafiles for black holes/neutron stars
ZZZ represents a mantissa of metallicity (e.g. 02 refers to metallicity equal
Each record in data files contains information about the compact object, the formation time, predecesors, ant its evolutionary history. The format of the files is as follows:
K M primsec t inbin Mzamsa Mzamsb a0 e0 idum iidd evroute
[Units are in square brackets]
- Ka is a type of the donor (see below)
- Ma is the mass of the donor [Msun]
- primsec tells if the progenitor was a primary or a secondary on ZAMS
- t is the age of the system (i.e. time since ZAMS) [Myr]
- inbin tells if the compact object was bound to its companion after formation
- Mzamsa is the initial (at ZAMS) mass of the primary component [Msun]
- Mzamsb is the initial (at ZAMS) mass of the secondary component [Msun]
- a0 is the initial (at ZAMS) separation (semi-major axis) of the components
- e0 is the initial (at ZAMS) eccentricity of the binary.
- idum, iidd - identifiers of a system (i.e. all lines with identical idum
and iidd refer to the same binary)
- evroute is a symbolical description of binary evolution (see below)
The list of phases used to describe evolutionary history (evroute):
MTx - stands for non-conservative mass transfer through Roche lobe overflow. "x"
indicates the donor: 1-primary, 2-secondary.
SNx - stands for a supernovae explosion.
CEx(a0-b0:a1-b1) - stands for a common envelope events.
"x" indicates the donor star: 1-primary, 2-secondary or 12-both components are donors.
"a0-b0" are integer numbers indicating stellar types (explained below) of the primary-secondary components, respectively, at the start of the CE.
Analogously "a1-b1" indicate stellar types at the outcome of the CE.
For example "CE2(14-2:14-7)" means that a CE was initiated by the secondary component ("CE2"), which was a Hertzsprung gap star ("-2:"), onto the primary, which was a black hole ("14-").
In the outcome, the secondary ejected its hydrogen envelope and became a Wolf-Rayet star ("-7"), while the primary remained a black hole (":14-").
AICtypex indicates an accretion induced core collapse.
"type" describes the compact object to which the progenitor has collapsed and "x" - the relevant component: 1-primary, 2-secondary.
For example "AICNS1" means that the accreting primary star ("1") has collapsed into a neutron star ("NS").
List of stellar types:
- 0 - main sequence star with M<=0.7 M☉ (deeply or fully convective)
- 1 - main sequence star with M>0.7 M☉
- 2 - Hertzsprung gap star
- 3 - first giant branch star
- 4 - core helium burning star
- 5 - early asymptotic giant branch star
- 6 - thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch star
- 7 - main sequence naked helium star (Wolf-Rayet star)
- 8 - Hertzsprung gap naked helium star
- 9 - giant branch naked helium star
- 10 - helium white dwarf
- 11 - carbon/oxygen white dwarf
- 12 - oxygen/neon white dwarf
- 13 - neutron star
- 14 - black hole
- 17 - hybrid white dwarf
List of files