Name | Total credit | Recent average credit | Country |
21) Spenster
29,086,310 |
0.09 |
United States |
22) ben
672,333 |
0.09 |
United States |
23) vijju
5,333 |
0.09 |
India |
24) formanet
148,667 |
0.07 |
Czech Republic |
25) BlisteringSheep
25,352,667 |
0.05 |
Netherlands Antilles |
26) fractal
155,811,308 |
0.04 |
International |
27) marvelthetook
37,993,356 |
0.03 |
International |
28) Aexoden
4,176,000 |
0.02 |
United States |
29) bragr
33,155,017 |
0.02 |
United States |
30) jp557
16,843,200 |
0.01 |
United Kingdom |
31) KMAC
638,967 |
0.00 |
United States |
32) continuum [Founder]
0 |
0.00 |
33) Perry Rhodan03
0 |
0.00 |
Germany |
34) Randall McFarlane
0 |
0.00 |
United States |
35) Benjamin Folk Jr.
0 |
0.00 |
United States |
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