The Church of Lager - Antipodean Chapter

Team info
Description A long time ago in a pub far, far away.... The Church of Lager was born. The culmination of the extensive and eclectic musings of a bunch of like-minded individuals or pissheads ;-) including our brave and illustrious leader, His Holiness Pope Pussy I. The noble & honourable Beer Baron of the Knights Beer. The thoughtful Bishop of Baarth & Wells. Sisters' Ravy Nympho and Psychotica of the Sisters of Cider. The amiable Father Ted and my good self, Saint Jammy of the Order of Git. Since those hedonistic days of the early-90's, things have changed - for all of us. First, we are much older! Second, we’re greyer. Third, we’re stouter! Oh! So much stouter! And finally, we are suffering all those aches and pains that older folks normally get but our parents utterly failed to tell us about! Bah! So, if you are running BOINC and don't belong to a team, or even if you do - join me, Saint Jammy, and become a member of the Antipodean Chapter of the Church of Lager.
Created 6 Jul 2020
Web site
Total credit 23,146,133
Recent average credit 0
Cross-project stats
Country New Zealand
Type Other
Founder Profile St.Jammy@Home
New members in last day 0
Total members 4 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 3 (view)

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Project server and website managed by Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek

Generated 27 Jul 2024, 2:17:05 UTC