universe-xray sources v3 0.02 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 730
Max tasks per day 1001
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 4
Average processing rate 0.44 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.67 days
universe-xray sources v3 0.04 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 35
Max tasks per day 1002
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 5
Average processing rate 0.26 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.39 days
Universe X-ray sources v4 0.02 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 51
Max tasks per day 1010
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 13
Average processing rate 1.59 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.22 days
Universe BHspin 0.09 windows_x86_64
Number of tasks completed 194
Max tasks per day 1194
Number of tasks today 10
Consecutive valid tasks 194
Average processing rate 0.05 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.24 days
Universe BHspin 0.09 windows_intelx86
Number of tasks completed 219
Max tasks per day 1218
Number of tasks today 6
Consecutive valid tasks 218
Average processing rate 0.04 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.30 days
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