1) Message boards : Number crunching : extreme long wu's (Message 2025)
Posted 18 Mar 2017 by Dariusz Kozlowski
I have all the symptoms described by other members above.
The elapsed time increases, but so is the remaining estimate.
From the original estimate of slightly over 2 hours I get elapsed time of 16 hours and remaining over 1 hour and keeps growing.
Restarting either the task, the project project or boinc, gets these numbers back to something more reasonable (last check point), from where they keep growing again.
I did not record file names, but these tasks do get stuck, with no way of finishing them.
I'm not a scientist, and I wouldn't run a scientific project. When I hear that there are errors during compilation or linking and the app is still distributed (did I get it right?) ..... c'mon, get a software engineer to help out.
I have wasted enough time on these tasks....
Please either fix it or let me know how can I help. Until then, I'm donating my cpu where is is going to do actual work.
No hard feelings.

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