1) Message boards : Number crunching : UV reionization tasks wont finish (Message 1508)
Posted 4 Sep 2016 by Profile San-Fernando-Valley
... why does the server distribute the same/identical WU to different users in the first place ... ?
Or am I missing out on something?

I've been getting (since yesterday) "computation errors" and "aborts" and "cancellations" for the ultraviolet reionization WU en masse (means: many)!

Something is going wrong on this project ??
2) Message boards : Number crunching : work units start with estimated time of 5 minutes, but then run 2 hours (Message 1294)
Posted 4 Aug 2016 by Profile San-Fernando-Valley
In the last couple of days I have been getting work units that supposedly run only 5 minutes.
But they run around 2 hours.
This actually is not a problem, but it would certainly be helpful if the work units would show an aproximately correct run time, as they were doing in the past months.
So something must have wrongly changed at universe-home.
I get a batch of them (20 to 30 at a time), clogging up my scenario.
In other words my set options to store at least a certain amont of days work does not function properly anymore.
Anyone experiencing the same?
Would be nice if this were to be fixed by universe-home!

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