1) Message boards : News : The reionisation project (Message 3510)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow
#4 What Re-ionized the Universe?
The early universe is thought to have been a dynamic place,

That's a strange statement. I think it still is.
2) Message boards : News : Patreon (Message 3509)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow

Also, now it's not simply "setup, run, forgot" kind of project. It require loads of work, as some major work need to be done, including major tasks regarding to server updates (last just finished, but more in progress), server maintaining (there is quite complicated infrastructure as the project operate on large data bases) etc...

All of this tasks should be done on daily basis, not just when I have some free time between other jobs...

You need someone to assist you with this. Or are there already other people besides yourself taking care of the daily maintenance?
3) Message boards : News : Patreon (Message 3508)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow

Until today I thought this was run by an institution, not just one person.

It is under institution but... Without funding (before had a grant which expired some time ago).
The only current financial support is a space and electricity in its servers site.

So you have been keeping this project alive on your own, without any grant.

I think this is very commendable, it shows your dedication. I hope this project gets even more volunteers.
4) Message boards : News : Patreon (Message 3507)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow
I think the goals on Patreon site shows clearly where founds will go...

I just need to manage where I have to put my time. The project don't get any funds from long time (only space in server room and it's electricity).
I'm not an CAMK employee (never bin)...
Currently I just have choice - continue managing the project or spend my spare time on other work.

Hi Krzysztof,

Are you trying to say that you would like to get paid for managing this project?

Why wouldn't he? I don't see anything wrong with that. It could at least defray the costs of his own dedication for years, after all he is the originator of the project, isn't he?
5) Message boards : News : We got a grant! (Message 3506)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow
Gravitational waves? A disturbance in the force I feel....
6) Message boards : News : New BHspin application (Message 3505)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow

Wojciech Gładysz, who cooperates with us in this project prepared a longer description of this problem which I posted in the Science section. I invite you to take a look.

Can you post the link please?
7) Message boards : News : New BHspin application (Message 3504)
Posted 24 May 2019 by Oldfellow
This sounds fascinating. To you this is not new, but to me it is, I just started out at Universe@home and I was thrilled at discovering this is actually research relating to Black Holes!

You are saying the accreting matter increases the spin of the BH. The BH, as far as I know, already spins extremely fast. How faster can it go? What are the limits? What does the accreting matter normally consist of - is it just "dust"?

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