About the project

Universe@home project's two main goals are:
  1. to provide scientist with a necessary computational power and
  2. to provide the way of involvement for anyone equipped with a computer and willing to take part in the research
Our simulations deal with fundamental problems of the Universe, which cannot be investigated in a laboratory. From the birth of stars to the utmost energetic supernova explosions, nature still astonishes us but at the same time leaves ways for scientific examination. ... More..
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University of Warsaw
Powered by BOINC
User of the day
User profile Profile Conan
Member of the team Cobar Spiders. The Universe is a big place with lots of things we don't understand, this project may just help us get a few of the...

Universe@Home is ending... :(
My dear friends,

For over 10 years, I have taken care of the Universe@Home project.

Unfortunately, since the passing of Prof. Krzysztof Belczynski, we have not been able to find a way to continue the project. Therefore, as funding ended at the end of August this year, I am no longer formally associated with the project. Still hoping that a scientific team will be found to carry it forward, I have continued to handle the ongoing maintenance of the server, and I intend to keep doing so in my free time until either a successor to Krzysztof is found or CAMK decides to shut down the servers.

I truly regret that such a long history of our shared work is coming to an end. Unfortunately, I lack the scientific expertise needed to continue the research myself.

I would like to thank all of you for years of support and express my hope that we may someday meet again on another project that I could manage from the BOINC side.
11 Nov 2024, 15:52:47 UTC · Discuss

Shutdown on 19 July (Friday afternoon)
Dear All,

This email is to inform you of a planned power and network outage in the whole CAMK building scheduled for Friday, July 19th, after 4 pm (CET). The outage is necessary to connect photovoltaic component to our power circuits.

We plan to minimize the downtime, but we cannot make any promises. We were told that all critical works should be finalized on the same day, unfortunately, it may take twice the time that our UPS can support.
18 Jul 2024, 14:58:40 UTC · Discuss

Planned power maintenance outgage
We have a planned network outage in the CAMK building scheduled for Saturday, March 23rd, 2024.
The outgage start on 7pm CET and finish on Monday, 25th, 8am.
22 Mar 2024, 13:05:15 UTC · Discuss

Universe@Home future
The time has come to inform you about what will happen next with the Universe@Home project.

As you know, Krzysztof Belczyński was the initiator and lead scientist of the project - he was the head of our small team. His sudden passing caused a bit of chaos, which we are gradually trying to manage. Unfortunately, the latest changes in the application code that were being implemented also disappeared with him. For this reason, as well as the necessity to introduce changes to the application code that had been planned for some time, we have decided to temporarily suspend the generation of new WUs.

As of today, we already know that Universe@Home will not end - it is being taken under the wing of Prof. Tomasz Bulik (https://nauka-polska.pl/#/profile/scientist?id=23855&lang=en&_k=ta6rhj). Nevertheless, we must ask for your patience; at this moment, the most important thing is to manage the organizational and formal matters and to work on the changes in the code. This should take us two to three months.

I will keep you updated.
26 Jan 2024, 18:40:08 UTC · Discuss

For memory of Krzysztof Belczyński

I met Krzysztof in the summer of 2014. It was then that Grzegorz Wiktorowicz found me and invited me to collaborate on a new scientific project. The reason they found me on the Internet was a problem with accessing the necessary computing power needed for the scientific research of these two scientists.
Soon after, the test server for the Universe@Home project was created - some of you may still remember it.

As soon as it turned out that the idea of using BOINC was a bullseye, Krzysztof offered me a more permanent collaboration, which I undertook with joy.
Few of us have the opportunity to work with scientists of this caliber.

We worked together for almost 10 years. About a month ago, we were discussing development possibilities, and Krzysztof was telling me about the publications being created based on our joint work (yes, there were supposed to be more than one!).

Unfortunately, today we will no longer be able to implement these plans...

As Krzysztof was a founder of the project, I don’t know yet what will happen next with our project. It's too early for any decisions, but whatever they may be - you will find out immediately. Krzysztof never forgot to mention the help our community provided him, and I am sure that we too will remember his trust in the power of the community...
16 Jan 2024, 16:39:35 UTC · Discuss

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