Daniele [Lombardia] ("Hi. My name is Daniele, born in 1969. I'm from RHO, near to Milan(Italy). I'm member of the...") | [TNAA] MatteoQ ("Ahoy! I was born in 1983 in Trento, North Italy, where I actually live, and I started to...") | ||
Simone73 ("Ho scoperto i progetti Boinc quasi per caso e subito decisi di parteciparvi e tra i tanti...") | Meroni Gianluca | ||
STELLA-ROSSA ("HO 57 ANNI. VIVO A BASSANO DEL GRAPPA - VI - MI SCARICO I TESTI DI STORIA - FILOSOFIA -...") | Mantis-89 [Veneto] ("I'm a software developer from Padua (Italy) and I'm interested in information technology.") | ||
OlddanIT ("Proud member of EVGA's crunching team, 45 years old, Italian, owners of 3 crappy PCs.") | Giovanni Andrea lucaferri | ||
Corla99 [Lombardia] ("Hello, I'm Corla99. I'm a member of BOINC.Italy.") | Federico Gallinaro |
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