Last updated 8 Oct 2024, 0:00:35 UTC

mario ("Mario... into this stuff 37 Australian Italian background ..into electronics and martial...")
micha9791 ("I am from Germany and I am born in 1979. I work as an electrician and my hobbies are...")
m0laki ("PC enthusiast since the early 80’s - ran BBS systems on Apple, Commodore and Amiga...")
MarcoCouto ("I'm am a Brazilian IT Specialist searching cool projects to colaborate and get coins")
Metalmanson ("I like astronomy and I want to help compute all these loads of data. Hungry for new...")
mindc ("")
m0z ("Hi! I'm Elizabeth/m0z- a high school student from the US of A. I like robotics, GitHub,...")
MajkPascal ("My name is Michał. I'm from Kraków in Poland. I compute for BOINC since 2011.")
Michael Goetz ("My name is Michael Goetz. I enjoy mathematics, science, computer science, anything related...")
Marcelo Brunassi ("I am Brazilian, entrepreneur, 41 years old, passionate about life. Contributing to...")

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