Last updated 19 Aug 2024, 11:00:36 UTC

Miko ("My age is 35 yrs. (since 20 years) and i live in the Tyrolean Lechvalley (Alps). my...")
modesti ("Why should I tell you anything about my age, my living, my work? It's permanently changing!...")
MarkRBright ("Really nothing much to say. a middle-aged computer geek like millions of others.")
Michael H.W. Weber ("I am a german chemist currently working as a Principal Investigator on bacteriophages and...")
m4gu5 ("I crunch things.")
michael-u5a1 ("Ich heisse Michael, bin 1964 in Hranice in Maehren in der Tschchischen Republik geboren,...")
MillliWillli ("MillliWillli")
Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps] ("Hobbies include Gaming, crunching and playing with my children. Be sure to visit...")
Marco8869 [E.R.] ("Hi to all! I'm Marco8869 aka Campos, member of the BOINC.Italy team I'm doing the best...")

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