Last updated 21 Sep 2024, 1:00:36 UTC

John Koulouris,(Esq.) ("John A. Koulouris,(Esq.) Accomplishments (1989 - Present) Research,...")
Jakub Mężyk ("Hello everybody.My name is Jakub and I live in Poland in city Katowice. I was born in 1983....")
Jim Henness ("Hello, I have no idea where all the time has gone, but I'm 50 yrs old.... I grew up in...")
Josef Schlereth ("Hi, ich rechne schon seit mehreren Jahren für Boinc. Als Amateur Astronom finde ich...")
JumpinJohnny ("**Ni!** Recycling electrons one at a time.")
joyce stewart ("I am a retired designer with a life-long love of science, especially cosmology! Carl Sagan...")
joel ("Oh, I'm a retired IT Systems/Network Engineer after ~25 years. I still have experimental...")
Jon Melusky ("age: Sept 15 1967 occupation: home care aide hobbies: rollerblading, tennis, computer...")
jtg1956 ("Located in Syracuse, NY, I'm retired. Hobbies include astronomy, astrophotography,...")
JayPi2 ("Besides hiking and skiing in the Alps I am traveling around the world. Now I have visited...")

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